Sendero Group Travel Blog

Follow Sendero travelers on their adventures using accessible GPS.

Monday, December 31, 2012


Sharing Point of Interest Data

First of all, happy holidays and thanks to everyone who has contributed questions, comments and answers on the GPS Talk list in 2012. The very best for 2013.

One last plea for those of you who have not submitted your user points of interest. Please do so.

As I traveled to Florida and now to the Bahamas on my first cruise, I am thinking of 3 things relative to user points of interest. Thanks to Peggy Kern who coined the phrase virtual footprints when she noticed my copious points during her exploration of the Portland area. Then in route from Orlando to Port Canaveral, I saw a bunch of these virtual footprints recorded by Michael Bukenkamp. I updated some of the categories. Haven't heard from Michael in years.

Finally, I am surprised not to find any user points in the route from Port Canaveral to Disney's Castaway Island. I know lots of our users have been on cruises but no points are showing in this area. I'll certainly do my best to record lots. If this slow satellite internet works, my first point at Castaway should be included. I am not sure which file it will end up in.

Happy travel over the holidays and in 2013.

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