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Monday, August 13, 2012


Stevie Wonder visits the SF Lighthouse by Bryan Bashin

We were treated this afternoon to a visit to the Lighthouse by Stevie Wonder. The visit was arranged by Lighthouse longtime friend Mike May, who wanted to show us off.

Stevie spent nearly an hour in our store, checking out the latest tech gadgets and ultimately buying some other items. It was fun to watch him walk around using the MiniGuide, an ultrasonic sensor that detects objects. He bought three.

 Presumptuously I asked Mr. Wonder if he ever listened to music, and when he told me he did we showed him a pair of headphones on a stretchy band one can sleep with. It was great to watch him put on music and sway to tunes with our products.

Later in the afternoon he joined one senior in an unplanned rendition of “I left my Heart in San Francisco” and I thought the senior was going to cry right then and there. Stevie greeted many staff, introduced his daughters and entourage to all present, and then visited the seniors as they were finishing lunch.

Immediately some of the frailest ones cried out that Stevie should sing them something and to our astonishment he broke out in a serious rendition of “You Are the Sunshine in my Life.” It gave us all goosebumps to hear him sing in our little kitchen.

Stevie spoke with the seniors about how he’s working with the United Nations to encourage accessibility in consumer products and wishes to build a world with universal accessibility. He then later urged each of the seniors to pay attention to the skills they learn at the Lighthouse, especially Braille. “In the end,” Stevie said, “You’ve got to feel *something*.”

Needless to say, we were dazzled by the two hours Stevie spent with Lighthouse employees and clients. We couldn’t have planned this in a dozen years.

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