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Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Hong Kong Street Market Adventures

Gil at the street market
We went out "on the town" last evening. There's a street near the hotel called Nathan St. It's lined with shops that open late in the afternoon and closes at midnight. These street markets were mostly open air and you could buy anything, literally. We really enjoyed bargaining in the markets where the starting asking price really meant nothing. When you ask the price they quote you a price then you start to haggle. Michelle is a champ haggler. We had a ball. We probably walked 10 miles. Everyone spoke a little English but most haggling was done with a calculator. They would enter the price they wanted then Michelle would shake her head no and give them a low figure. At least half of the price they had asked. then the fun began. If she thought their final offer was too high we'd walk away and they would follow to continue as we walked away. We had a ball.
Street markets packed with people It was also jammed with people. The sidewalks are about three people wide so it was like walking in a parade.

There is shop after shop of almost anything you can imagine. Very interesting. Especially the dried herb, sea creature and some other indistinguishable items. We walked the whole length of the street then back on the other side. If you think NYC is crowded it's a desert compared to Hong Kong.

Live seafood displayed in large tanks. The variety and quality was unbelievable

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